14.12.2007 | 03:27
Yogananda talar um trśarbrögšin
Ķ bókinni Essence of bhagavad gita śtskżrir Yogananda trśarbrögšin og mér fannst svo sannarlega vera mikiš til ķ žvķ hjį honum.
Paramhansa yogananda:
Jesus christ was once crusified,But his teachings have been crusified every day,throughout christendom,since that time.,,At first the dilution may have been deliberate,with a view to maintaining control over the ''flock''Now,the churchmen themselves have forgotten-if,indeed,they ever knew--that the perfection(veritably a contradiction in terms!).What he said was,''Be ye therefore perfect,even as your father in heaven is perfect''
Judaism seems more preoccupied with following the law of moses than with the soul's eternal salvation,or with finding bliss in god-communion.Do jews even believe that it is possible to reach heaven after death?Many of them consider,along with the materialistic scientist,that such questions cannot be answered rationally and therefore should not even be addressed.Suffice it,they say,to live a good,god-pleasing life here on earth.
Buddhists have gone the same route.Because Buddha refrained from speaking of god,but rather tried to impress on people“s minds their need to make a personal effort to purify themselves,his followers soon fell into the fallacy of atheism.True,god doesn“t really have a human form: He is pure,absolute Bliss--infinite,eternal,and ever-conscious,as Shankaracharya later claimed.Shankara wanted to persuade people that the forms in which they had clothed God were purely for their own devotional upliftment:They were not literal realities.
The nirvana of official buddhism,according to an official document published some years ago in Thailand.is that the bliss of which shankara spoke lasts only a moment,and is replaced immediatly by eternal nothingness.Could anyone sincerely strive to attain nothingness?!Surely,when the moment arrives for the choice finally to be faced--whether to embrace a complete void,or to await a later““opportunity““--the ego will pull back in fear,electing rather to be a““bodhisattwa''indefinitly,out of ''pure compassion''for mankind.Compassion,maybe,but it seems natural to prefer this compassion to becoming nothing!Self -preservation is the deepest instinct of life.It cannot be ,and indeed is not,founded on delusion,for if it were,how could delusion itself arise out of total non-awareness?The very idea defies all logic.
What about Islam? How cany any pious moslem believe that his soul will go to heaven for killing an ''unbeliever''? And what is that ''Heaven''? Has it ever been described in terms resembling the absolute liberation in omnipresence that is moksha?
If only hinduism declares this highest spiritual truth,surely it is because only hinduism has not been confined in the ''straitjacket'' of a religious organization! It has grown naturally,rather,and has not been sufficated in the musty air of official decrees regarding what is,and what is not,the highest truth.
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